Monday, February 1, 2010

The Second Month

It is already the second month of the year, so naturally I thought perhaps I'd better get starting with my goals for this year, as Christmas Is Coming!!

I decided to take away two negative things and add two positive things.

Negative things must include dairy. Seeing as I have an intolorence I shouldn't be having it, and I always have way too much. (Yes, this includes chocolate.)

The second negative is another food item, food obviously being my biggest problem: Carbs! White bread is so easy to munch on. No more of that, please. White bread to be replaced by Provita, white rice to be replaced by wholewheat basmati if I must have rice at all, popcorn completely out, baby potatos will replace the fully grown variety.

Now to think of two positive things to take up.  Well, a relatively easy one is to make sure I do half an hour on the Wii Fit every day. Exercise is good for the soul, oh and of course the body. So that's the easy one to think up. With any luck it will also be easy to stick to.

The second positive addition is going to be more difficult - give whatever I do 100% of my attention. Not so easy, but I'm willing to give it a try.

And those are my thoughts this morning, as I try to drag myself into the world of the fully awake.