Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Starting again, again

I am a self-confessed habitual starter-overer.  My record for keeping to any meal plan is now a wopping 5 days. (Then the weekend came, and with it, junk food!)

But today is a new day (again), mostly prompted by my checking my diary and discovering with horror that my next trip to the dietician is on Monday - a mere 5 days away.

I can tell my dietician that I've lost 1.5% of body fat, according to the machine at the gym, but no weight I'm afraid.

So the plan for the next 5 days, starting today.....
1) BREAKFAST - very important!!  I binge at lunch time if I don't eat breakfast.
2) DRINK - lots of liquid. This helps with digestion, as well as making you cope with gym better.
3) GYM - missed this morning (lazy!) but committed to Friday and Monday. Should be doing at least three times per week.
4) No Doritos!!!!!!!!! This is important.  I went shopping yesterday and bought Vita Snacks, for heaven's sake. What is my life becoming??
5) Try to eat for one instead of for two.  (aka When the meal is for 4, put half away before you start eating)
6) Low GI everything. Do not even look at anything high GI or it may become fat by osmosis.
7) VEGGIES - lots of low GI veggies - green, white or yellow, never orange.

Well, 5 days is my record, so let's see if I can beat it.

1 comment:

  1. "OSMOSIS" - oh you crack me up! Well done for restarting!
